"We Get Letters..."(Letters sent to the Editor of the Rim Country's REVIEW Magazine...)One of the most enjoyable and often inspiring aspects of the business here at the Real Estate Review is that we are periodically reminded that this "communication thing" is a two-way street. Every now and then, a reader will take pen in hand and write back to us, usually taking us to task over a missed typo or some equally erudite error. Even so, we often find these letters to be enlightening, sometimes intriguing, and, in many cases, entertaining. The following are a few of the best, edited, of course, for brevity.
Dear Rim County (sic) Review,
Dear Rim Country Review, Personally, I like this guy's literary style. He reminds me of me! But to the point, the only licenses I hold are for fishing and driving, and neither the fish nor the Department of Public Safety seem to consider me much of a threat. And, if the writer only knew how quickly inventory moves here in the Rim Country, he'd come up here and invest, and really be F.A.R. from Paradise Valley! (Sorry, couldn't resist!) (Ed.) Dear Rim Country Review, ![]() Dear Rim Review,The best advice I can give someone thinking "FSBO" these days is "Don't!" Real estate is just too complicated today. Both buyers and sellers must be represented by trained professionals to ensure a fair deal and to avoid future problems. Talk to any one of the Realtors who advertise in this publication. The simple fact that they appear on these pages is proof that they are modern, aggressive, forward-thinking professionals. There are other less expensive and less effective places where they could be advertising, but by choosing the REVIEW, it shows that it is they who really understand land sales and marketing. (Ed.) Dear Rim Review,See next letter. (Ed.) Dear Rim Review, ![]() Dear Rim Review,Though not a native, I have grown to appreciate the history, the tradition, and the rugged beauty of this spectacular country as much as anyone I know. Despite all protestations, there is a factual inevitability that we must live with... it's called Progress. The best we can do is to promote responsible growth, and support those who do likewise. Anything less is divisive, counter-productive and somewhat autocratic. (Ed.) Dear Rim Review,D.J., I used to live there, too! When I tell a Californian that there really is a life east of the Colorado River, I'm only telling them something that I wish someone would have told me years ago! What you call "taking shots" others might call a Reality Check. Let's face it, D.J., according to your return address, you live here now too, and unless someone kidnapped you and dragged you up here against your will, you made the same decision I did when you left the Golden State. We here at the REVIEW are just trying to help others, many of whom are our friends, make a similar decision. (Ed.) Well, that's all that space permits. There are others, and I'm certain there will be more in the future. From time to time, we'll share more of them with you. Though the majority of the correspondence that we receive has been and continues to be critical in nature, we remain acutely aware that the best way to avoid criticism is by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing. We choose otherwise. Anyway, according to Abnormal Child Psychology 101, negative attention is better than no attention at all! PS: If you want to see what things look like around here, take a cyber-stroll thru any one of our four Galleries in the RIMages section of the site. Click the button and enjoy!
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Revised - 11.11.06