I did, however, get to witness Dr. Eric Wiltz being carried out bodily by the girls. He was not a willing participant, but they showed him who was boss, and I was able to get photos. Thursday night at Rumsey Park was a blast! Steaks sizzling on the grill, hot bread, cowboy beans, salad, a great band, and Black Velvet was everywhere. The guests of Black Velvet were treated to a great night of fun. It was a real family affair, with little kids dancing, Grandma and Grandpa whirling around the dance floor, Mom and Dad teaching the little ones the latest dance steps. (Or maybe they were the oldest dance steps!) The night was beautiful, the weather perfect, and the atmosphere mellow and fun. I haven't seen people enjoy themselves like that for a long time... well... maybe not that long. I had the honor of putting up the last two dollars to get Mayor Verne Stifflers neck out of the noose, but I did it only because the Marshall said Verne was complaining that he was hungry, and the jailer didn't want to have to feed him! Things were moving too fast for me to get everyone's name to go with their photo, so if you spot someone you recognize, please let me know so we can put a name with the faces.
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