How to Link to the RimCountry.Com website...
Whether you have a web page or not!

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  • If you're a local Rim Country resident and you have a non-commercial web page (one that does not offer any product or service for sale), and you would like it linked to this website on our Local Links page, just send us the URL, we'll check it out, and if it's what you say it is, we'll post the link free of charge.

  • If you want us to add a link to the web page of any local non-profit civic organization, just send in the address and we'll post it for free in the Community section of the site.

  • If you're a local Rim Country resident and you have a commercial web page -- that is, one that advertises a product or service -- and you want that page to become part of this website, you can purchase one or more HYPERLINKS for $20 per month that connect your page to this site. If you don't have your own web page yet, we can help you with that, too.

    A HYPERLINK - or more simply, a LINK - is usually an interactive directory listing that visitors to the site can click on and be transported instantly to your web page. Most links appear as Underlined Blue Text, but in certain instances may be installed as logo-style images, icons, banners, buttons or other graphic art.

  • There are many excellent locations on the site where you might want to have your link installed, depending on your needs and the nature of your presentation.

    If you own or run a business in the Rim Country, your company may already have a simple text listing on the Rim Country Business Roster. Although this is a "static" listing, it can easily be converted into an interactive hyperlink to your web page. A link to your eMail account can be installed here as well. If you haven't seen this feature already, click here to see an example.

    If your business is not listed on the Rim Country Business Roster, fill out this FORM and we'll add it immediately!

  • You may also already have a listing in one or more of our eMail Directories, either on the White Page of local residential listings, or on the Yellow Page of local businesses. These listings are actually links to eMail accounts, but a bright red arrow icon may be purchased and added as a HyperLink directly to your web page advertising. To see an example, click this icon: To Home Page

  • Probably the section with the highest visibility for web page links would be the GALLERIA section. This area is among those that get the most "traffic" on the site, and is most easily and directly accessed from the copper GALLERIA button near the top of the website's main page.

    In the Galleria, visitors browsing the site will find directories full of links to specific catagories of local web pages, such as Realtors, Builders or Lodging Facilities. When a category exists, but is not yet large enough to justify its own directory, the individual links are posted prominently in random order - these listings are "shuffled" once a month, and new category directories are added as required.

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